List of chemical process simulators
This is a list of software used to simulate the material and energy balances of chemical processing plants.
- Alph, an iOS process simulator
- APMonitor Modeling Language
- Aspen Plus, Aspen HYSYS, Aspen Custom Modeler by Aspen Technology
- ASSETT, D-SPICE and K-Spice by Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies AS
- CADSIM Plus by Aurel Systems Inc.
- CHEMASIM, inhouse thermodynamical simulation program at BASF
- CHEMCAD by Chemstations
- COCO simulator
- COMSOL Multiphysics
- Design II for Windows by WinSim Inc.
- Distillation Expert Trainer [1]
- DWSIM (open-source)
- EcosimPro
- EMSO, the Environment for Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation from the ALSOC Project
- Dymola
- FlowManager™ by FMC Technologies
- gPROMS by PSE Ltd
- HSC Sim by Outotec [2]
- ICAS: Integrated Computer Aided System developed by CAPEC
- IDEAS by Andritz Automation
- ISE Simulator by VRTech
- Jacobian (Numerica Technology)
- LIBPF, the C++ LIBrary for Process Flowsheeting
- Mobatec Modeller by Mobatec
- OLGA by SPT Group (Scandpower)
- Omegaland by Yokogawa
- OpenModelica
- PIPE-FLO Professional by Engineered Software, Inc.
- PottersWheel Matlab toolbox to calibrate parameters in chemical reaction networks (free for edu/academic usage)
- Prode Sim, Properties
- ProSimulator by Sim Infosystems
- ProSimPlus by ProSim
- Petro-SIM
- ProMax, TSWEET, and PROSIM by Bryan Research and Engineering
- PRO/II, DYNSIM & ROMeo (process optimizer)
- RecoVR by VRTech
- Sim42 by Raul Cota and others
- SimCreate by TSC Simulation
- Simulis by ProSim
- SPEEDUP by Roger W.H. Sargent and students
- SolidSim - flowsheet simulation of solids processes by SolidSim Engineering GmbH
- SuperPro Designer by Intelligen
- SysCAD
- System7 by Epcon International
- UniSim Design & Shadow Plant by Honeywell
- Usim Pac by Caspeo
- VMGSim by Virtual Materials Group
See also
External links